Deluxe Lofted Cabin Details
Deluxe Lofted Cabin Specs
>4x6 Notched Treated Skid Runners
>2x6 Treated Floor Joist
>3/4" Advantech T&G 50 yr. Flooring
>LP SmartSide 50 yr. Exterior Panels
>6'3" Tall Side Walls
>16" On Center 2x4 Wall Studs
>16" On Center Floor Joist
>Metal Truss Plates on Roof Trusses
>1-9 Light Fiberglass Door
>6-2x3 Windows
>Angled Porch (included in total length of Building)
>Lofts on each end
>12 & 14 wide buildings are measured from eave to eave